Come join us for outdoor food and drinks at 738 Frenchmans Road. All are welcome and feel free to bring others. If you wish, please Venmo a couple bucks to @Daniel-Kunin or bring something to barter so we can keep these shindigs going! In the Santa Barbara area, check out Coastal Shindigs.

Upcoming shindigs

Oops, you missed it

Fri - 6/10/22 (>6pm)

buttox SHAKIN celebrashun
potluck MAKIN graduashun

Fri - 5/27/22 (>6pm)

Eva & Noah's End of the Year DANCE Party

Thur - 5/12/22 (>6pm)

Grain Bowls Galore

Thur - 4/21/22 (>6pm)

The People's Pasta Party

Thur - 4/14/22 (>6pm)

Matzah, Maror, and More

Wed - 3/16/22 (>6pm)

Georgian Bread Boats

Thur - 3/10/22 (>6:30pm)

Breakfast Burrito Bonanza

Thur - 3/3/22 (>7pm)

Kaleigh and Nadim's Surprise

Thur - 2/24/22 (>6pm)

Mom's Mediterranean Medley

Thur - 12/2/21 (>7pm)

Hanukkah Hullabaloo

Thur - 11/11/21 (>7pm)

Never too early for Friendsgiving?

Sat - 10/30/21 (>4pm, till late)

LET'S GET SPOOKY (costumes welcome)

Thur - 10/21/21 (>7pm)

Delicious desserts (dinner not included)

Thur - 10/7/21 (>6pm)

Shaked's dirty tacos & margs

Thur - 9/23/21 (>5pm)

Al's famous pizza

Thur - 9/16/21 (>5pm)

ICME Orientation